Tips & Strategies To Prepare For The Busy Summer Season

As the weather starts to get warmer, we are all gearing up for the busy summer season. With the increased project demand, it’s important to be prepared and have a plan to ensure your projects are completed successfully, on time, and on budget. Here are some tips and strategies to help you prepare for the upcoming summer season.

  • Train and Recruit Staff EarlyOne of the largest delays that can affect progress is staffing issues. Having a large enough workforce can help ensure projects are completed on time. Start early so you have enough time to onboard and train new staff before the busy season starts. Friendly Tip: AIM Mobile Technology can make training an easier & more efficient process by providing information in the field like service manuals, step-by-step procedures, and much more can be accessed with the touch of a button.


  • Review Your Equipment And Supplies: Take the time to review your inventory and make sure you have everything you need for the upcoming season. This includes checking your equipment for any maintenance or repairs that need to be done before the start of the season. Friendly Tip: Don’t forget to take stock of labeling that will be required at earlier project stages such as Fence, Safety, and PPE signs.  


  • Maintain Flow of Communication with Clients/Stakeholders: Good communication is key to a successful season. By keeping all necessary parties informed of project progress and timeline changes you avoid confusion and can address concerns. Friendly Tip: Create an efficient flow of communication through AIM Mobile Technology - you can provide updates in real-time in the field.


  • Prioritize Safety: Of course, safety should always be a top priority, but the busy season can bring added pressure and stress, making it even more crucial to maintain a safe work environment. This can include providing regular training on safety procedures, ensuring proper PPE is worn, and regular work breaks are enforced to avoid heat stroke. Friendly tip: Make sure your sites are properly labeled with hazard warnings, PPE requirements, and other worksite rules to avoid incidents and remain compliant with regulations.

We know preparing for the busy summer season can be a daunting task, by following the above tips you can hopefully set yourself up for a successful, safe, and profitable season. A friendly reminder that we are here to help! If you need assistance in any stage of your project, we offer services and products for all of it, reach out to us below to speak with one of our many experienced representatives.

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